A Peak into Pad Making

Mar 14, 2022

Halfway around the world, our Nepalis team is busy making the first batch of pads. I was able to communicate through our Nepalis team leader, Bharat, exact directions on how to construct the pads. Our seamstress Rebika picked up the project with loving and eager arms to participate.

With women’s feedback from the initial distributions in 2020, we decided to modify the design of the pad. With the help of Rebika, the Valley Pad Design was created! Better protection, longer lasting, and more coverage than the first model. Making a pad is more than just sewing pieces of fabric together. We have carefully selected the most efficient and durable fabric, layered in a certain way, in order to be the best possible protection for women during their periods.

Here is a quick 3-minute video of the making of a pad.